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1. Lower your electricity costs.
2. Get up to 30,000 in energy support from the government.
3. Take advantage of local promotions when buying windows with assembly.
4. Split your payment over up to 24 months without interest.

What does a window replacement cost me?

We can produce a free cost estimate for window replacement in your house.

In addition to saving energy, there are many other benefits to changing windows. We can also offer digital home visits where we tell more about our windows and how a window replacement is done.

Fill in the form and we will contact you and tell you more.

U-value & energy efficiency

If you choose products with a low u-value, you save energy. It is also important that the door or window frame is tightly sealed if it is to deliver what it promises. In addition to leading thermal insulation properties, Ekstrands has also tested the airtightness of its double doors and windows. Whichever product you choose from Ekstrands, you can be sure that the product delivers what it promises.

A majority of all energy-efficient windows marketed in Sweden have a development value of around 0.9-1.2 W/(m²K). Options are often required to get below 1.0. Ekstrands has windows from U-value 0.77W/(m²K)

See our range of windows here


The U-value indicates how well a product insulates (keeps heat and cold out). The lower the U-value, the better the product insulates. What defines a good U-value depends entirely on where the window should be located. In old houses where walls and roofs leak a lot of energy, the U-value around 1.0 - 1.3 is enough to increase comfort indoors. If, on the other hand, you build a passive house that is to be self-sufficient, the U-value should fall below 0.80.

For windows, Swedish P-marking requires that the value be declared, thus no specific requirement for thermal insulation. SFDK requires ≤ 2.0W/m²K.

U-värde fönster


The G-value shows how much energy is transferred through direct solar radiation. The higher the value, the more energy and thus heating it generates (windows account for about 30% of heating in houses).

To think about here is how much heating you want through windows to the house. If you have large glass surfaces in dense newly built houses, it can be good to look at a lower G-value so that you do not have to cool down the house on hot sunny days. Also think about the location of the window in the latitude, and how much solar energy reaches the window.

Solenergi fönster


The daylight transmittance is stated as a percentage and is a measure of the amount of daylight that enters through the window. A high daylight transmission is preferable, then it is experienced brighter.

Dagsljustransmittans på fönster

All Inclusive

We offer premium products with professional installations with our own carpenters. Book a free window or door measurement from us!

We also offer digital consultations with video calls. If you would rather send pictures, it works just as well. In most cases, we can make a quote without physically measuring all the windows and doors.


Custom-made windows

Ekstrands has a modern production structure based on JIT-planning philosophy. All products are manufactured in millimeter sizes to order, there are no products in stock. The advantage is total flexibility for our customers, each window can be adapted exactly to the customers conditions. In addition to this, we have twelve window systems with a large selection of materials, options, color and shape. We have created cost-effective windows with high quality, adapted to the unique conditions that each client has.

Solid oak windows

Ekstrands manufacture exclusive wood products with a high technological level and market-leading performance. Our oak windows are unique and a result of our efforts to find long-term sustainability in combination with high performance and low maintenance. Read more about how we use solid wood.

Windows in solid oak

Contact us for a free consultation